· What is your highest priority learning goal for this course?
My highest learning goal is to find the balance between new and old tech tools, and the use of online- and in-class time to interact with the students, give feedback, and deliver content. I want to help the students learn how to effectively use the class time and class activities to not only learn the content, practice the content, but also build skills that they can use outside of the classroom, whether it’s study skills or life skills.
This is the result from Unit 1's self-assessment, which I found a bit surprising. Based on the various online courses I have taken, along with the end results, I am actually pretty good at keeping deadline, managing my time, and learn from various sources. I wonder if this is because I believe that I can always do better.
· What are some specific skills, strategies or tools you are hoping to learn more about?
I would like to know how we can best self-assess whether we are doing a good job as a blended teacher. I use student feedback and student performance as measurements now. However, they are not something I can use whenever I question my effectiveness. I feel like there must be other ways that I can use more frequently.
I am also wondering how I can better deliver and access student preparation before coming to the classroom. I want my students to take responsibilities of their own learning, but they are students and they often need external motivation.
The tools that I want to learn more about is assessment tools. I am using Bingo, Quizlet, Quia, GoFormative, and Socrative, and audio-recording tools for the most part, and sometimes using games like Kahoot!, Quizizz, and other flash-based tools I have. I am sure there are other new tools that might be able to do a better job in helping me assess student performance and to encouraging student interactions. While there is no guarantee that the new tools will be better than the ones I am using, but I would like to find out more about what is out there and decide.
I appreciate your reflection and the desire to balance old with new. The fact that you are using technology so effectively with students is refreshing and proof that you are really climbing up the SAMR model - you are transforming and personalizing the learning experience for students. The assessment tools will continue to evolve; my advice is to use what works best for you and keeps your students interested and engaged! -Bob
ReplyDeleteI think as long as you are looking for student growth and improvement, you will be able to see if what you are doing is effective. Maybe they don't always pass the tests, but if they are working, trying, reflecting on their learning, and moving in the right direction, then you know you are doing something right.